- Tech Support
- Season 1
- Episode 60
Riot Games Answers League of Legends Questions from Twitter
Released on 10/19/2020
Hi, I'm Jess,
Executive Producer on League of Legends.
And hi, I'm Andrei,
and I'm the Game Director on League of Legends.
And this is League of Legends support.
[upbeat electronic music]
I am determined to get decent at League of Legends.
Currently I am getting my ass kicked.
In response, MindOfAB,
I have tried watching it on Twitch and don't get it.
Is it better to play it to get a better feel
for the game?
I know it's crazy popular,
just don't understand some of it.
Let's start with some basics here.
League of Legends is a team-based game.
Two teams competing over about 30,
35 minutes to try and destroy the other team's base.
Everybody picks a unique character.
There's a really large roster you pick from.
It's a pretty deep game.
It can be pretty hard to get into.
And I think the way we've seen people have the most success
with that is to play with a friend,
or somebody who already knows some of the game,
somebody to teach you the ropes,
and get you past that initial learning stage.
For a lot of people,
it also works well to just dive straight in.
I would definitely try to pick a champion
that you think you can stick with for a few games,
a character that you really like,
if you like their theme, that helps a lot,
and just stick with it.
Honestly, like as long as you kind of understand the basics
of try to to get the nexus,
you'll learn a lot of the mechanics along the way.
Getting good at League of Legends.
That's such a hard question,
depending on what your definition of good is.
It's kind of like asking,
how long does it take to get you good at a sport?
Like you might start doing well compared
to all the new players almost immediately.
And then we've got people who are insistent,
that even people have played thousands of games,
even some of the people who play professionally
are not good enough for their standards of good.
asks, @LeagueOfLegends,
Will you develop a mobile game for League of Legends?
That's a great question.
And the answer is, yes.
We are currently working on this right now,
and we actually announced it
during our League of Legends 10-Year Anniversary.
It's called Wild Rift.
Hopefully it's gonna come out soon,
and we hope you like it.
@Coraberry asks,
What's some fun facts about League of Legends.
Well, one fun fact,
we just had the 10th anniversary for League of Legends
last year.
As part of that was sort of reflecting,
and looking back at just how much the game
both has and hasn't changed over the years.
Its core is still very much the same game
that launched back in 2009,
but almost every element of it has has been refined,
has evolved over time.
And we occasionally get the question, you know,
When are you gonna make League of Legends 2?
And I think from our perspective,
we've made League of Legends 2,
probably League of Legends 3 and 4 already at this point.
But our style is just to keep those things rolling out
as a constant series of updates to the game,
rather than a discreet name change and a relaunch,
or anything like that.
A big part of League of Legends 10-Year Anniversary
was announcing a bunch of games
that we needed to keep under wraps for so long.
Us being able to finally announce all of that,
and like being able to have that payoff of,
no we actually do want to invest in league in the longterm,
as like,
as an ecosystem,
as a franchise,
we have like this lifelong commitment to the game
and the sport.
We're in this for the long haul.
We won't always get it right at first,
but we'll keep coming back to it,
and figure things out
At @Neon_catss asks,
I'm wondering if there's any wild champions,
reworks, or item ideas that never went through
and we never heard of,
both kit-wise and lore-wise.
I'd like to hear the most chaotic of ideas please.
I live for these.
Okay, so we've tried a lot of stuff
that never ended up happening for one reason or another.
I think we'll focus on the kit side of things
rather than the lore side here,
because we're much more likely to go back to the lore side,
and don't want to spoil that if we do.
Ekko, for example,
used to have an ultimate that would rewind
the entire game five to 10 seconds.
The only exception was if a champion was dead
they'd stay dead,
but every other champion and unit on the map
would go back to their previous position,
have their health, the amount of their cooldowns reset,
and so on.
It created some really cool and funny moments,
but a lot of the time it was just a really annoying
nullification of consequences and actions.
Another champion we were developing
at the same time as Ekko was bad,
and about, at one point,
had an ultimate that sent out a giant sound wave
from his team's Nexus,
that would silence and slow enemy champions
when they were in it.
And the combination of trying to play test
those two at once was just a bit of a nightmare
of endless sound and slowing waves,
covering the landscape,
and then being reset,
and repeating over and over again.
For some others,
we had an idea for a painter champion
who had different colors of paint brush,
and could make shapes on the ground,
and then activate that paint to do things like,
you know, create sort of fire lines,
and, you know, deal damage, or slow,
or create walls or whatever
based off the shapes created,
but it never quite worked out.
'Cause the best play
was usually just create a blob of paint really quickly,
and then just stun stuff in it or something similar.
So it sounded all creative and artistic,
and it just boiled down to throw an AOE at them,
Another concept that was fun, but never went anywhere,
was for a giant mech sort of character,
a fair bit like Urgot.
Two of his abilities were shoot left
and shoot right.
It was like a old school sailing ship,
and he had cannons that could only fire out
one side of his body.
And that was really novel,
but it didn't turn out to be that much fun.
The character got rebooted,
this time with the name Shrink and Squash,
with a bunch of tank treads and the ability
to just run over people in some shape and squash them,
and a shrink ray to make it easier to do so.
Again, didn't happen.
What about you, Jess?
Anything come to mind?
Yeah, I think of things
that are like, yeah, a little bit older,
like when Ahri,
when she had her old R,
where you could basically R from one Blue Buff to the other
and get both,
that was definitely pretty broken.
There was also a point where,
when we were working on a Skarner,
we were trying to figure out
what this crystal scorpion was gonna be.
And there were like 500 different versions
of this freaking scorpion,
ranging from like the scorpion by itself,
to like having like a scorpion rider,
to like, you know, Ziggs,
who I think like started off
as like a potion human,
like a--
An alchemist.
An alchemist of some sort.
There was the Akali rework,
that at one point had a skill
that allowed her to attach yourself to a missile,
and then ride along with it.
So like if your team had an Ashe with a global ultimate,
Akali could just hop a ride on that
and travel across the entire map.
It was pretty buggy,
pretty janky, very powerful.
It was cool,
but it was not as useful as you'd think.
Oh, Aurelion Sol, in a much earlier version,
had a global Lee Sin Q as his ultimate.
So he'd fire it out across the map,
and if he hit somebody,
he could then basically zoom to them,
traveling across the entire map at really high speeds.
Most of the time, it just missed,
and it was a giant bait for his team,
'cause he'd be trying to split push or whatever,
and then miss his skill shot.
asks, @LeagueOfLegends Hello!
I'm a student studying games development,
and a huge fan of your game.
Any advice on getting into the game industry?
I think there's a lot of ways
you can get into the game industry.
Really it depends on kind of what you want to do.
If it's art, you know,
there's a huge swath of areas within art, right?
You can be anything from concept art,
to 3D modeling,
to animation,
to illustration, right?
To visual design.
There's so many types of ways
of kind of deepening your craft and figuring out,
okay, well, if I go into UI,
like there's, you know,
I'm looking at menus, I'm looking at progression systems,
I'm looking at all sorts of stuff,
and design, same thing.
Do you want to go into systems?
Do you want to go into game mechanics?
Anything is kind of, it's your oyster.
Really understanding what speaks to you
and how you wanna really deepen your craft,
going hard into that one line of expertise
can just open up opportunities later for you
to kind of expand
and be able to make more parts of the game.
The other thing I'd suggest doing,
is just start making games,
if you're not already doing so.
Anything as simple as like, you know,
like a 2D shooter,
or, you know, a small platformer
Board games using pen and paper,
or a homemade RPG campaign.
If you kind of use your expertise
to maybe add one differentiator to that game,
and kind of talk through what you were trying to improve
with that game.
It'll both give you valuable experience and skills,
and it gives you great things
to put on a resume or to talk about in an interview
to actually get into the industry.
That could be a really great kind of insight
into your thought process,
and kind of how you develop games,
and that's actually great to from you.
The difference between two candidates,
one of whom has gone out of their way
to try and make stuff already,
who've shown their passion and learning,
versus another who is really interested in it,
but hasn't actually put the time and the effort in yet,
it's really stark when you're interviewing somebody.
@miky_box asks,
League of Legends friends,
any tips on how to learn a basic build strategy
for two to three champions,
Morgana, Ashe, Garen for now.
So there's a few different ways you can approach these.
The first is just jumping into the game,
starting with things like the recommended items,
learning what works for you.
The second is to go to
a lot of the really good third party sites out there
that use the League of Legends API,
and show off a bunch of recommended builds,
you know, things that do really well for champions
in different contexts,
like what's good for Morgana or Ashe in Plat plus play,
for example,
and they'll recommend combinations of items,
of runes, of skill orders,
those sorts of things.
And the third option that could be we're thinking about,
is trying to track down one of the communities
for those champions,
things like the Morgana Mains subreddit, or whatever,
where you'll get a lot of talk in detail
about just that particular champion.
In this preseason.
We're also looking into revamping the item system
and the item shop.
So, actually, this will be a problem
where we're trying to make it a little bit easier.
And that'll include things
like recommended items that are automatically updated
based off what other players are doing with that champion,
rather than being hand coded by us at Riot,
and getting out of date,
and being incorrect.
All that sort of thing.
It will also automatically update
as patches kind of come out,
and update what items are relevant for you,
and make sure that it's still a good build for you to buy.
@7sin1e asks,
Do you think a person's main or role
is a reflection of one's personality?
Is there any data or insight available on the matter?
I believe we did at one point look at a chat restriction
and ban rates by champion and by position,
and there are some champions out there
that have really chill player bases on average.
Bad players, for example,
are generally gonna be pretty chill people.
Without naming any particular champions,
we've got some top laners, in particular,
where certain high mechanical champions
have some of the more vocal,
and likely to be penalized, players in the playerbase.
Hey Andrei, how often is that for Yasuo players?
They're pretty high up there.
Though, not top of the list, but close.
@eDaruKii asks,
How to get better at League of Legends?
After every game you play,
take a moment and reflect on,
what did you do poorly that game?
Or what could you have done better?
Because beyond a certain point,
playing hundreds or even thousands of games
won't make you better unless you're being really critical
of your own play.
Even in the game in which you did fantastically,
take that moment of time and reflect,
hey, did I overextend for that ward?
Did I not track my mini-map enough?
Did I not give my teammates the information they needed?
Those sorts of things.
Being able to look at your damaged charts,
looking at how much vision you've added to the game.
Also seeing kind of like the timeline of how each,
how the game progressed,
and what happened,
and your participation in it really helps.
Sheer time alone doesn't matter enough.
It's, I think, a combination of time and critical feedback
that really gets you there.
I definitely think learning groups really help a lot.
I would also encourage,
if you do have a friend
who can kind of watch one of your games afterwards,
and kind of talk through,
especially if they have more experience,
what you could do more optimally in the next time over,
that's also a great way to kind of understand
what you can do better.
@Easty_Tg asks,
What's the hardest role and the easiest role
to play in League of Legends,
I definitely think that jungle is pretty hard to pick up.
There are so many things
you need to kind of learn about,
just like map awareness,
where the jungle camps are,
how to apply the right amount of pressure
on the different lanes.
There's just like a lot to kind of do right
so that your team is set up to succeed,
but all of the roles have their own kinds of things
that you need to learn.
Jungle, especially,
when you first started to play the game,
is probably the hardest role to learn,
particularly because it's so different
than all the other roles earlier on in the game.
I think support or the bot carry role
are both fairly forgiving,
bot carry can be demanding on your positioning,
but at the very least you're playing with her an ally there,
somebody who will help you out.
I also think Mid-lane
can actually be a pretty forgiving role
for a new player,
because the lane's so much shorter.
You're just much closer to your tower,
to a place of safety.
So you've got much better odds
of just being able to run away from stuff,
and actually survive it.
Top lane, by contrast,
can be pretty merciless when you're still trying to learn
how it works,
what other champions can do to you,
that sort of thing.
I would've have said support.
Maybe I would still say support at this point,
just because it kind of gives you some rhythm,
and support your ADC,
and give them the right buffs and heals,
but, nowadays,
there's also pretty crazy play-making supports as well.
So there's definitely a breadth of difficulty there too.
@Deineaux asks,
How much RP do I need to be able to use @safelocked's voice
as announcer pack on the Rift?
Asking for a friend.
Okay, I kind of feel you should be the one answering
most of this question.
One thing I will throw in here,
we are still planning to get announced packs
as a general feature into League of Legends.
They've been pushed back somewhat, unfortunately,
due to COVID-19,
but they're very much on our roadmap
once things are a bit easier to work with.
In terms of exactly how much RP for a Safelocked voice pack?
We're gonna have to see.
I don't know what the pricing is gonna look like.
Okay, charity auction?
Maybe we'll do a charity for it.
If everyone says they'll contribute to a charity,
maybe I'll record something.
Okay, hot pitch.
Charity auction where you try and fake an announcer pack,
just live on stream while somebody's playing through them.
You know what?
Sure I'll do it.
I'll do it [laughs].
@GMousinhoD asks,
How do you decide that a skin line is successful,
and how I, player, can make it return next year?
So we look at a few things
when we're assessing a skin line.
We look at how well that skin line performed
relative to our expectations for it,
how popular are the champions that are in the skin line,
that sort of thing.
So it's not just how many players picked up the skin,
but relative to the skin line's expected popularity,
how did it do?
In addition to buying the skin,
we also kind of also look at
whether you use the skin actually.
Did you buy it but didn't find it that interesting
after a while?
And so there's a different skin that you're using.
The next thing we then look at
is general player excitement for that skin line.
How excited about people to have their mains
get a skin in the thematic, for example?
And then based off a combination of those,
and also just looking at how many remaining champions
we think could be a good fit for that skin line,
we figure out whether to go back to it or not.
Player hunger, basically.
How interested are players in that?
And we'll gauge that through things
like social media discussion,
through getting tweeted out directly even sometimes.
If you love something,
give us the feedback on it,
is probably the single biggest thing.
In terms of making it return next year.
A lot of the time with the popular skin lines,
we'll sort of have them alternate year on, year off.
So we might do PROJECT one year,
Star Guardian the next,
and then bounce back to PROJECT again after that.
And a lot of that is just wanting to get enough variety
into the skins we deliver.
We also wanna make sure
that you actually get the most out of your purchase,
and actually enjoy it.
We just wanna make sure that whatever we make next year
is actually something you would buy, love, and use.
@WNarramore asks,
Are the upcoming item changes in the preseason
going to focus more on new items entering the game,
or changes to existing items?
It's gonna be pretty balanced.
We don't wanna go too far
into kind of flipping the table with items,
because we understand,
like, players also have affinity for certain items,
and, if anything, it should just be clear
about what works for your champion,
what's purchasable,
and makes sense.
We're thinking about a third of the item system
should stay the same.
So stuff that's already working well,
that'll still be familiar.
Another third of it will be modified somewhat.
It'll be recognizable,
but with a bunch of changes.
And then about a third system should be completely new.
I'd also like to call out Firaxis,
the studio behind games like Civilization and XCOM,
for that third-third-third system.
And we found that really helpful as a frame of reference
when looking at League of Legend's item system.
@_Kouseii_ asks,
What does the honeyfruit taste like?
Can you eat the other plants?
Honeyfruit is delicious.
It's the most amazing fruit you've ever tasted.
You can also eat the other plants.
Blast cones are real damn spicy,
so best of luck with them.
Scryer's Bloom will,
let's just say give you some gas,
but you're free to eat them.
@LeaderPeasy asks,
Following my identity question about League of Legends.
How the hell am I supposed to know what's my best role
if I just won three straight games as a support?
I've picked Leona,
and we stomped every single lane like gods.
I mean, should I play every lane?
Sick humble brag,
play Leona.
Yes, you should play every lane.
@HowLocr asks,
Can you guys talk more about skins
and tease us with more concepts please?
Also, are we going to get Star Guardian this year?
I want Sona as a Star Guardian so bad.
She deserves that.
I think Sona as a Star Guardian would be super cool.
Definitely great that you mentioned it.
So we're not gonna just spoil
all the upcoming skins we've got.
I can tell you that we've got a handful
of completely new skin lines that we're gonna be trying
over the second half of this year.
And we're really excited to get feedback
from you folks on how much you like them.
The best way of kind of us getting ideas
for who who could be the next Star Guardian
is when players are asking for specific champions
in particular.
@StormArthur7 asks,
What has been the biggest lesson you've learned
while working at Riot Games.
Definitely keep learning,
keep adapting from what players are telling you,
how they're playing the game.
Especially since the game itself
has changed so much over time,
and it's such a deep one,
it's great to just kind of get different perspectives,
not only from the playerbase,
but also the people who have come
and joined Riot as players,
and wanna just make the game better.
I think good results for game development
are often much less about that single big brainwave
or whatever,
that flash of brilliance,
and more about just repeatedly iterating,
working as a group,
taking feedback,
getting things wrong, learning from it,
and eventually iterating until we get something really good.
@AvisYew asks,
League of Legends question.
What happens if I build full attack speed on Twisted Fate
Can I just yeet an entire pack of cards at once?
You know what?
You personally can,
but let's also do the math here.
There's 52 cards in a standard deck.
You can throw out 2.5 attacks a second.
So the fastest you'll get without somewhere breaking the cap
is throwing the whole pack in about 21 seconds.
It's up to you,
but 21 seconds to throw a deck of cards
doesn't feel like you're yeeting it to me,
so I don't know.
Maybe TF cheats and uses magic or something,
but it's not looking good.
@subbxies asks,
If Bard was a piece of bread,
what kind of bread would he be?
He'd be a sourdough,
because I love Bard,
and I love sourdough,
and Bard is kind of hipster.
@skyscraper_0 asks,
Do you see a correlation between days of high heat/cold
and lower than average player performance?
I.E., do people tilt more
and play worse on days when it's super hot?
I feel the only time I've ever seen this actually manifest
has been like that one time at STAPLES Center,
where everyone was like,
it was pretty hot, I recall,
and everyone was sweating
and everyone had to play,
definitely found that, probably, to be hard on the players,
when when we're watching.
Like any normal human being,
you wanna be comfortable while you're playing.
Please don't subject yourself
to having to be an environment where you're uncomfortable
and can't play and enjoy the game.
But, yeah, as any normal human,
I think if you're trying to,
if you're trying to play a sport,
and you're uncomfortable,
I'm gonna assume you're gonna tilt pretty hard.
Andrei, what's your follow up?
So it's not directly answering this question,
but it's something pretty similar.
One thing we did look at at one point
was how much worst players got over the course
of long gaming sessions late at night.
We discovered that an awful lot of players
Rioters especially,
lose between five to 10% percent win rate
if they keep playing after about 1:00 AM.
And, basically, when you're still going at like 3:00 AM
or whatever, you are losing so many more games.
Even if you think you're still playing really well later on
in the evening,
you're probably not.
@KennekyDeky asks,
are you guys planning on any visual updates?
Not to be confused with VGU.
There's a few champions that their visuals didn't age well
with modern LoL over their gameplay.
I like Morgana and Ezreal visual official update,
and I hope to see more.
We call both of them VGUs actually.
And depending on kind of the state of the character,
and, you know,
how much we think is iconic to that character,
we decide on how much we wanna preserve.
And so for Morgana and Ezreal,
we did actually change some of their gameplay as well,
but because we understood
that both of those champions
have pieces of their kit that are very iconic to them,
we wanted to make sure that players didn't feel
like they were losing out with the change
when we change them and updated them
to be more visually impressive,
and upgraded,
and kind of just better versions
of their previous selves.
With regards to, like,
are we ever gonna make a visual update again?
I think that's always gonna be an option for us to consider
when we're looking at VGUs.
And it's just going to be a matter of,
kind of where on that spectrum we think
it is appropriate for that year.
We've mainly been focusing on hidden characters
that need both substantial visual and gameplay improvements,
because the amount of work involved in going back
and updating at all of a champion's visuals
is about the same if you're keeping the old kit
as if you're getting a new kit.
So we just get much better value for the time spent.
Having said that,
we've also got through
an awful lot of the older problematic kits at this point.
I think there will come a time
where we're in a much better position to do more updates
that are very gameplay light,
like Morgana and Ezreal,
at some point in the moderate future.
And that concludes all the questions we've got for now.
Thanks to all of you who submitted them.
We had a lot of fun answering them,
and hope to do this again someday.
Keep playing League.
See you later.
Starring: Jessica Nam, Andrei Van Roon
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