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"Star Wars Explained" Answers More Star Wars Questions From Twitter

Alex and Mollie Damon from the YouTube channel "Star Wars Explained" answer even more of Twitter's burning questions about the Star Wars universe. Are the stormtroopers from the original trilogy clones? Do you need to know Star Wars to watch The Mandalorian? If the Jedi are so strong, why are there so few of them? Alex and Mollie answer all these questions and much, much more! Check out Alex and Mollie Damon's YouTube channel Star Wars Explained: Follow Alex on Twitter:

Released on 01/19/2021


Bruce Heerssen says,

I just re-watched the original Star Wars,

and I have a question.

How did Luke get authorization to pilot an X-Wing solely

on his own claim to being a great pilot

and that of a single, random Aussie?

Well, it's not just his own claim.

Biggs Darklighter says,

that Luke is the best bush pilot in the Outer Rim.

No question.

The Incom T-65 X-wing is made by

the same manufacturer as Luke's T-16 back home.

The controls were said to be nearly identical.

So if you know how to fly at T-16,

you should know how to fly at T-65.

Also, they were just desperate

and they needed everyone they could get.

They just lost their last Red Five at

the battle of Scarif,

someone getting that cockpit.

So, close enough for the rebels.

Hi, I'm Alex Damon.

And I'm Mollie Damon.

And this is Star Wars Support part two.

[upbeat music]

At Sadistic Samurai says,

I have a Star Wars question for those who follow Star Wars.

Oh, that's us.

The stormtroopers in the original trilogy signed up for it

like joining the army?

They aren't clones like in the second trilogy

or child soldiers like in the new trilogy?

Correct. They are not clones.

The clones got phased out

in between episodes three and four.

They were kind of a mixture of yes,

people who believed in the empire and signed up.

Occasionally, they were also conscripts,

So people forced into the army,

but no they weren't kidnapped child soldiers

the way that they were in the first order.

It's really a good example of how

the empire kind of brainwashed the general public,

because we see in a new hope

how badly Luke wants to go off to the Imperial Academy.

Yeah, that's a good point.

A lot of people it was just kind of

the only escape route.

Like Luke didn't like the empire,

but to get off Tatooine and he had no other choice

but to join the Imperial Academy.

At My name is Vador.

I have a question for you,

who is your favorite character from Star Wars Legends?

#StarWars #starwarslegends

Star Wars Legends refers to,

all of the Star Wars storytelling

that was basically before the Disney acquisition.

So, it's what used to be known as,

the Star Wars EU books and comics.

And then the movies started to come back out

with the prequels and,

honestly, George Lucas kinda changed a lot of stuff.

And so, you tried to adapt to make it all still work,

but, yeah, basically anything that was prior to 2014 or so

got classified as Star Wars Legends

and is no longer part of the canon.

I jokingly say Gavin Darklighter a lot

because if Biggs couldn't survive,

I love seeing his cousin pop in,

and he is a great pilot.

I do love pilots.

And I also love the Legends version of Wedge Antilles,

just because he's so far has gotten to do a whole lot more

in Legends than he has in canon.

I'm a big sucker for pilots.

I'll go with one that's probably a lot of people's answer

and say, Mara Jade.

Just cause I can't get enough of awesome female Jedi.

And I love how her story starts with her being

the emperor's hand evil then turns to a good guy.

I think it's pretty cool.

Plus, she's got a purple lightsaber.

And red hair.

Yeah, I am Mara Jane.


Black Lives Matters says,

question Star Wars stans.

I want to start The Mandalorian

but I really don't know much about Star Wars like y'all,

so is it mad connected to the films

or can I just watch it as a standalone?

Like is it hard to follow otherwise?

I think they did a pretty good job of letting

that be an entry point into the galaxy.

Yeah, this is one of the things I love the most about

The Mandalorian is that normies,

as we might say,

or people who haven't seen a lot of Star Wars,

I think would love the show

and there's little bits and pieces in the show

for nerds like us to get excited about,

but you really don't have to have seen any of the movies

or TV shows to enjoy The Mandalorian.

I agree, I think that anything that is connected

to other material is well explained,

and if anything, it might make you more interested

in some of those other Star Wars stories

that you could dive into.

Mara Jade's Publicist says,

Honest question,

why does everyone in this Star Wars universe know

every sub-clause of The Mandalorian creed

but no one remembers the Jedi? [chuckles]

On this planet we're still talking about

the Knights of the Round Table.

That's funny.

It's a good point.

[Alex chuckles]

I don't think that there was like a massive smear campaign

against the Knights of the Round Table

to hide their history.

And even then, I don't know the truth of

the Knights of the Round Table.

I've mostly heard legends and stories,

which I would say,

probably most people don't know the truth of the Jedi

and the Star Wars universe.

I do think it's a you right.

Everyone seems to know like,

aren't you a Mandalorian?

Aren't you supposed to do this or this.

[Mollie chuckles]

With the finger wag.

I guess even though the Mandalorians

have significantly decreased in their number,

thanks to the Great Purge.

They still are around to some extent,

they still seem to be known.

The Jedi were completely wiped out.

Also I think that,

it's hard to kinda keep this in perspective,

but the Jedi at their height numbered about 10,000 people

in a galaxy of trillions.

So, not that many people really ever met a Jedi.

Mandalorians numbered more.


There were more Mandalorians than just 10,000.

So, I think that they were probably

just more prevalent in the galaxy,

even when the Jedi were at their height.

I'd say also, just on a very basic level,

for instance, when Din Djarin goes into the bar

and is looking for other Mandalorians,

he basically says,

someone who looks like me.

So, they're pretty recognizable.

Abby Simp Hours says,

so, I have a lore question for my Star Wars moots.

Has the idea of the Jedi supposedly rebelling

against the Republic ever been explored?

Or Palpatine's use of retroactive history to sully the Jedi.

Have there been people who hate distrust

the idea of Jedi because of this?

Yes, they haven't done a whole lot with it.

It's mostly in the books,

a little bit in the comics.

In Charles Soule's Darth Vader comic

right after Revenge of the Sith,

everyone seemed to be pretty pleased

that the Jedi were killed off.

They seem to have bought into the lie

that the Jedi rebelled against the Republic

and tried to assassinate the chancellor.

Wasn't an explored a little bit

in season seven of Clone Wars.

Like when Ahsoka is kinda out in the world,

she isn't telling people outwardly that she's a Jedi.

And then once the two sisters find out that she is,

they're like, Oh, Jedi are nothing but trouble,

we don't want your help.

Yes, that's absolutely laying

the groundwork for why people so easily we're like,

yeah, forget the Jedi.

And I think you can see that in the films too.

I mean only 20 years later,

no one seems to know who the Jedi were.

Palpatine was doing his best

to just snuff out any mention of them.

People were pretty quick to forget who they were.

This is Euan says,

okay, here's a Star Wars question.

With Palpatine being revealed in episode nine

and revealed that Snoke was a clone.

Doesn't that break the Sith rule of two?

Since Snoke was in technical sense

Palpatine's apprentice and Snoke had Kylo as an apprentice

that means there were three Sith.

Oh boy.

[Mollie chuckles]

The rule of two is this Sith philosophy

that there can only be two at any given time.

In Legends it was set up by Darth Bane,

which is still true in canon,

but there were a bunch of Sith at one point

and Darth Bane was like,

we're not getting anywhere

because we keep fighting with each other.

So he was like,

okay, here's how we fix this.

I'm gonna kill everybody except for myself.

And then I'm gonna take an apprentice

and train them, teach them everything I know

until they're strong enough to kill me.

Then they're gonna take an apprentice

and do the same thing.

And then that way the Sith will only

get stronger and stronger

and they'll be living in secret

instead of just taking things by brute force,

they're gonna do basically what Palpatine did

and rise politically and take power that way.

So Snoke and Kylo Ren are not Sith.

They do not follow Sith teachings,

but that said,

Palpatine has never really been a stickler for the rules.

Yeah, he seemed to have like one apprentice at a time

but then that apprentice would have another apprentice

that Palpatine would know about.

And he's like, ah, whatever.

Yeah, Palpatine had Maul as his apprentice.

He didn't work out, gave him the boot.

Then he had Count Dooku as his apprentice,

found out Dooku had Ventress,

got mad at Dooku,

told him to kill her.

Palpatine was kinda the culmination of

the Sith rule of two.

And I think that in his mind,

he was like,

it's not gonna go on without me.

He wanted to be the culmination of the Sith forever.

They're really bad at following their own rule.

Yeah, at Does Art 72 says,

question for school,

do you think the Rebel Alliance of Star Wars

is a good example of desperation forcing others

to adapt and survive?

I feel like it is,

because while the empire had vastly superior numbers

and weapons,

the Rebels had a reason to fight

and managed to pull off the Battle of Scarif,

Yavin, Endor, Jakku and abunch of others ones.

Yes, I feel like that's exactly what George Lucas has said,

that the rebels were supposed to represent

the scrappy group of underdogs coming up to win against

the technologically superior force that was supposed to win.

It's just like the Vietnam War,

the American Revolutionary War,

it's happened a ton of times in history.

Yeah, it's the idea of

the good guys always have a better reason to fight.

They have hope on their side as Star Wars loves to say.

Yeah, I think that that's a perfect description of

how that works.

Let's talk Max Mercury asks,

question for my Star Wars moots,

do we think that the Mandalorian is set

before or after the Battle of Jakku?

They sound like they're keeping it

a little vague on purpose so they can be flexible.

But the initial estimates,

Jon Favreau said,

that it takes place about five years

after Return of the Jedi,

which means that would be four years

after the Battle of Jakku.

I think that there's room for them to mix it up.

But the new Republic is pretty much established

at this point in the show.

I think it's well beyond the Battle of Jakku.

The Mechanic at comms open says,

Star Wars fans quick question

is the Clone Wars movie just a sum up of the series

or did it happen before?

Also rebels is after the Clone Wars.

And I saw someone made an order to watch the episodes

but isn't it watchable normally?

[Mollie chuckles]

Oh boy, lots to unpack real quick.

The Clone Wars movie is basically just two or three episodes

of the clone Wars crammed into a movie.

And so, it doesn't sum up the entire series.

It also didn't really happen before the series.

It happens like four episodes into the series.

As you said, someone made an order to watch the Eps.

You can watch it as it's listed on Disney+,

but there is a chronological episode list

because the series is very much out of order.

Yeah, you can find that list on

I prefer chronological.

I would watch it chronologically.

Yeah, I think I would too,

because it just makes more sense.

It's a little bit of a hustle

because you have to like check the list

and you're gonna have to change episodes.

It gets to be more chronological

after the first like two seasons.

You're not bouncing around as much.

Yeah, I'd say the most important thing about

the Clone Wars movie is it introduces Ahsoka into the story.


Rebels is after the Clone Wars.

Yeah, Rebels takes place after Clone Wars.

Neil Rhombus says,

serious question.

If the Jedi are so strong why are there so few of them

and why are they always trying to rebuild The Jedi Order?

I think a lot of people think

that the force makes Jedi just

super powerful all the time,

they're superheroes and they can do anything they want.

Being a Jedi accessing the force,

it's not something you can just turn on and off.

Everyone has good days and bad days in the real world.

The same is true for the Jedi.

It's more of a mental thing of how balanced are you?

How connected to the universe are you?

How compassionate are you to the people around you?

It's not something that it's just all the time

I'm pulling Star Destroyer out of the sky.

Yeah, I wouldn't even say that the Jedi are that strong.

There are a few select Jedi

that are pretty strong in the force,

but overall,

It's a fair assumption to make though.

I never fault anyone for acting like that's the case

because I mean like the comics

and some of the, a lot of legends material,

The video games, definitely. The video games, yeah.

I mean the video games are video games,

they want you to feel

like you can do anything with the force,

but what George Lucas has said,

what the movies have said is,

that it's more about

keeping a mental balance within yourself.

Around the Galaxy says,

question for my canon friends.

Was the Maw Installation

from the Legends novel, Jedi Search,

which also features Kessel,

the inspiration for/related to

the Maw and Solo a Star Wars story?

I would say probably,


can't say for sure,

but Solo had so many little Legends Easter eggs in it

that, yeah, I think they were like,

Oh, let's throw the Maw in there.

It's a little different,

at least the way we see it in Legends it was like

a bunch of black holes near each other.

And Solo it's like just one big black hole.

Yeah, I don't think they would name it the Maw

unless they were trying to make that little connection.

Yeah, I do think it's cool

that after looking into so much trivia about all of

the movies and TV shows

that the Maw is not the monster a lot of people

kinda got those two confused,

the monster that attacks them

and then get sucked into the Maw is the summa-verminoth.

That's even Han goes,

is that the Maw?

[Alex chuckles]

Yeah, and it's like,

nope, that big black hole sucking that into it as the Maw.


Mark's Forever Mandalorian says,

here's a question for you.

Does Order 66 trigger the kill instinct for only Jedi

or any nearby force users not named Palpatine or Skywalker?

I've made this joke before,

but I like to think that Palpatine basically

had like a Google Doc,

that he was adding and subtracting names too.

So, at first he has like all the Jedi on this spreadsheet.

And then if he starts to think like,

Oh, there's a someone I think I could get

to be an inquisitor.

I'll just take them out of there.

And like, Oh, well I think Anakin

is probably gonna be my apprentice.

I'll just move him off the list.

Yeah, and then anyone who maybe owed him money

added to the list,

like, yeah, this person's a Jedi,

this person's definitely a Jedi.

Just take them out too.

I like that.

[Mollie chuckles]

But also like Ahsoka,

it's not like she leaves the Jedi order

and he's going to be like,

Oh, well I guess she's safe now.


The Supreme Jedi says,

question, why didn't Rey's body disappear when she died?

What the force and Jedi stuff say about this?

What's the theory.

So this is another hard one to talk about

because Vader's body didn't die or disappear when he died

but he still became a Force ghost.

And that's like a whole big thing where you're supposed to

like go through specific training to become a Force ghost.

But Anakin also didn't go through that.

So why is he allowed to be a Force ghost at all?

I don't think Ben went through that training, so,

In my mind, I like to think of it as them being a Jedi.

How they died,

if they died doing something

that was like funneling them into the force,

become basically yet becoming one with the force.

Obi-Wan kinda does it in a very brief moment on

the Death Star.

He kinda backs off and he's like,

okay, my job is done.

I put Luke and Rey together.

Ben kinda does it by funneling his life force to save Ray.

Luke dies or fades away shortly after doing

the big force sacrifice.

I do think that there's something to that.

I would say that they are like becoming one with the force.

I think that Obi-Wan,

I mean he knew, he like closes his eyes,

he's preparing.

I don't know if he died

because Vader hit him with a saber

or if he just chose to become one with the force.

Yoda knew that he was old and sick,

and he may have just said like,

okay, I'm gonna become one with the forest now.

Same with Luke.

And I think that it's possible that Ben was like,

I'm going to give Ray my life force

and I will become one with the force.

He knew that he was gonna die doing that.

So yeah, I think that there's something to that.

Ray maybe didn't have that intent.

I could also say,

that maybe she didn't disappear

because the force like the cosmic force knew like,

okay, hold on, we know something's about to happen,

like leave her body.

Yeah, I like that theory.

The idea that she didn't automatically disappear

because let's say the wills just knew,

okay, Ben is going to do the right thing finally

and save Ray, so yeah.

At Overlord Mikey says,

I just thought about this,

but if the baby Yoda creature is over 50 years old

how old is Yoda supposed to be?

How do you live that long

and never questioned Jedi teachings,

which I'd like to point out

are incredibly unhealthy and messed up.

Guess they just had a long time to brainwash him.

So yeah, Yoda is supposed to be 900 years old when he dies.

I do think they're going to talk about this.

I don't know how he relates to Jedi teachings

because he's going to be in the High Republic Era.

It sounds like the Jedi are going to be

very different 200 years

prior to like the prequels and everything.

So I think we're gonna get to see

maybe Yoda's mindset change over that period of time.

Yeah, I've I've said it before

but I hope the Yoda that we see in the High Republic is like

bad boy Yoda.

Just sticking it to the man,

questioning everything.

I don't think that'll happen,

but that would be my dream.

I think he'll be different.

[Mollie chuckles]

Brian C. Wood says,

I have a Star Wars question

I don't think anyone has ever asked ,

if a funeral pyre is the traditional Jedi funeral.

Then how long do the mourners stand around the Pyre

and what happens to the ashes?

Are they stored someplace?

And who collects them?

Temple monks?

I don't know how long everyone has to stand around

and respectfully watch a body burn.

[Mollie chuckles]

Maybe that is up to the Jedi and how great their deeds were.

[Alex chuckles]

I assume the ashes would be taken back to the Jedi temple.

In the case of Vader,

Luke didn't stick around for a long

and we know that Vader's mask got picked up.

Yeah, it sounds like Luke just kinda set it on fire

and like watched for a second was like,

all right, I'm going to the party.

But we also know that funeral pyre wasn't the only way

the Jedi funerals happened.

Like Jetta, there were tombs.

There were a bunch of different alternatives.

So maybe Qui-Gon just had in his will,

like a funeral pyre please.

Yeah, we talked recently about whether

or not Jedi's had wills.

And I think that that's plausible.

The Lady of the Lake says,

a question about The Rise of Skywalker I have is,

was Snoke like a meat puppet

that Palpatine used via the force

or was he his own living,

breathing entity that was just being manipulated?

Or was he a clone grown poorly?

Well, I think you could argue that he's all of these things.


Yeah, that's kinda true.

So Palpatine does claim to be every voice

that Ben solo has ever heard inside his head.

I don't think that Snoke was strictly a meat puppet.

I do think that he had free will so to speak.

I don't think he was aware of who or what he was,

but from what I've gathered,

I think Palpatine put in,

he was basically a programmed person of saying like,

here's where you come from.

Here's what your goals are.

You need to train this kid,

like seduce him to the dark side,

bring him over and then train him.

He basically had a preloaded



Yeah, I don't think he had free will so to speak,

but also I don't think he was just constantly controlled,

in that same scene Palpatine does say,

Snoke trained you well, I don't know.

It can go either way, frankly,

but that's just my best guess.

Do you think that Palpatine purposefully

made him to look mangled and scarred

so that Kylo would think that Luke did that to him.

There's comic, The Rise of Kylo Ren

and he meets up with Snoke and says,

what did master Luke do to you?

Which suggest that Snoke didn't always look that way,

but then why is there a vat of those clones

in The Rise of Skywalker,

looking already messed up?

[Mollie chuckles]

I don't know.

I think that was maybe a Palpatine on purpose.

I think maybe he wanted another gross looking person

to hang out with so he wasn't the only one.

[Mollie chuckles]

Thank you so much for your questions.

They were great.

There were some funny ones.

There were some questions

that I had never even thought of before.

So, we always love when we're surprised

by Star Wars questions.

We talk about Star Wars basically every day

and we're still learning new things

and it's fantastic to see so many people,

so interested still in the franchise.

Yeah, so thank you again.

And this has been Star Wars Support.

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