RE:WIRED 2021: Jony Ive on the 20th Anniversary of the iPod
Released on 11/09/2021
So up until that point in time,
Apple made general purpose computing devices.
And one of the powers,
I think one of the things that was so unique and special,
I think about the computer
was its ability to be general purpose.
And I think what the iPod really marked
was the beginning of creating
far more specific products and devices.
Now it happened at a time, I think of extraordinary,
I think, both opportunity and need.
So there were a number of technological affordances
that sort of presented themselves,
in terms of storing lots of data in small physical spaces.
But I think the need
was that there was almost this sort of existential question
about the value of music.
This was 20 years ago when people realized
they didn't have to pay for music.
And so I think that was a context or a backdrop
for doing something creating,
something that was quite important.
And I think the iPod,
really I think, represents the marriage
of I think innovative
and great hardware, software and services.
And from a design perspective,
we thought the opportunities were,
I think exciting when compelling,
but also this seemed important.
Starring: Jony Ive
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