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The Artificial Intelligence Database

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When It Comes to Health Care, AI Has a Long Way to Go

Medical information is more complex and less available than the web data that many algorithms were trained on, so results can be misleading.

When Mind Melds With Machine, Who’s in Control?

Brain-computer interfaces are getting better all the time—and they’re about to land us in a philosophical quagmire.

This AI Software Nearly Predicted Omicron’s Tricky Structure

New algorithms that decipher complex sequences of amino acids offered an early view of the coronavirus variant. They could point the way to future drugs.

An AI Finds Superbug-Killing Potential in Human Proteins

A team scoured the human proteome for antimicrobial molecules and found thousands, plus a surprise about how animals evolved to fight infections.

Kai-Fu Lee and Yoky Matsuoka Imagine AI's Potential for Good

The investor and entrepreneur discuss "human-in-the-loop" technology, and how artificial intelligence might be used for health and caregiving.
Real Talk

The Long Search for a Computer That Speaks Your Mind

The trick is to use data from the brain to synthesize speech in real time so users can practice and the machine can learn. New brain computer interface systems are getting there.
Machine Earning

AI’s Smarts Now Come With a Big Price Tag

As language models get more complex, they also get more expensive to create and run. Some companies are locked out. 
Bad Math

A New Formula May Help Black Patients’ Access to Kidney Care

The prior algorithm adjusted calculations for Black patients—making it harder for them to qualify for transplants and other treatments.
eat right

The Poop About Your Gut Health and Personalized Nutrition

Researchers are coming around to the idea that there isn't a one-size-fits-all diet. Some companies are going further to find out what fits you, specifically.
A Little Birdie

This AI Helps Detect Wildlife Health Issues in Real Time

A system that scans animal rehabilitation center data could provide early alerts when a disease is spreading.

Without Code for DeepMind’s Protein AI, This Lab Wrote Its Own

The Google subsidiary solved a fundamental problem in biology but didn’t promptly share its solution. So a University of Washington team tried to re-create it.
High Note

This Device Helps Paralyzed People Breathe—and Sing

Called the Exo-Abs, the robotic device uses artificial intelligence to gauge how much pressure to put on a person’s midsection.
Cover Story

The Pain Was Unbearable. So Why Did Doctors Turn Her Away?

A sweeping drug addiction risk algorithm has become central to how the US handles the opioid crisis. It may only be making the crisis worse.
Inside Out

These Algorithms Look at X-Rays—and Somehow Detect Your Race

A study raises new concerns that AI will exacerbate disparities in health care. One issue? The study’s authors aren’t sure what cues are used by the algorithms. 
What's This?

Google Launches a New Medical App—Outside the US

The dermatology AI app won approval for use in the EU but not with the FDA, an odd twist on Europe's reputation for tough rules on tech.
False Alarms

An Algorithm That Predicts Deadly Infections Is Often Flawed

A study found that a system used to identify cases of sepsis missed most instances and frequently issued false alarms.

Don't End Up on This Artificial Intelligence Hall of Shame

A list of incidents that caused, or nearly caused, harm aims to prompt developers to think more carefully about the tech they create.
Touching Story

This Brain-Controlled Robotic Arm Can Twist, Grasp—and Feel

Nathan Copeland learned to move a robotic arm with his mind, but it was kind of slow. Then researchers gave him touch feedback.

Hackers Used to Be Humans. Soon, AIs Will Hack Humanity

Like crafty genies, AIs will grant our wishes and then hack them, exploiting our social, political, and economic systems like never before.
Doctor, Doctor

Microsoft Makes a $16 Billion Entry Into Health Care AI

The company plans to buy Nuance, a speech-recognition firm that grasps the specialized language of medicine—tech that won’t be easy for others to replicate.