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A Clean Industrial Revolution Is the Only Way to Hit Net Zero

Governments and companies around the world are finally acting to create a green economy and avoid climate catastrophe.

Can You Solve Climate Change Better Than World Leaders?

What even happened at the UN climate summit—and could you do a better job? These online and in-person simulators let you take a swing at saving the world.

Don’t Look Up Nails the Frustration of Being a Scientist

Writer-director Adam McKay’s new Netflix film, about a comet headed for Earth, is an allegory for inaction during the climate crisis.

Battlefield 2042 Turns the Climate Crisis Into a Playground

DICE and EA's latest sci-fi shooter is an example of art imitating life, complete with the trappings that got us all here.

The US Mountain West Could Soon Face Snowless Winters

Parts of Colorado, Utah, California, and the Pacific Northwest could be without snow for years at a time in just a few decades.

The Great Danger of the Tiny Bark Beetle

As the climate warms, this insect’s population is booming. That’s bad news for the ponderosa pines of the Sierra Nevada.

The Biodiversity Crisis Needs Its Net Zero Moment

Climate change isn’t the only major crisis facing the world. We’re in the middle of a mass extinction, and we’re missing all of our biodiversity targets.

How Can People Harmed by Climate Change Be Compensated?

There is a growing movement to make the world's richest countries pay reparations to the global south for “loss and damage” caused by the climate crisis.

Did Climate Change Make That Freak Weather Even Worse?

When a shocking storm or heat wave happens, attribution scientists are on the case, helping to show the public the real-life effects of global warming.

Fleeing Global Warming? ‘Climate Havens’ Aren’t Ready Yet

Climate migration is already underway. Here's how cities can prepare.

Renewable Energy Is Great—but the Grid Can Slow It Down

Many solar and wind projects face a problem: getting the energy from where it’s made to where it’s needed. 

Climate Change May Make Hurricanes Hit Sooner and Last Longer

A new study modeling storm behavior under a warmer climate finds Boston and Norfolk will face higher risk from floods as they crawl along the East Coast.

Can Gambia Turn the Tide to Save Its Shrinking Beaches?

In an economically developing country reliant on tourism, the rapidly eroding “smiling coast” shows the urgent need for action on climate change.

Your Rooftop Garden Could Be a Solar-Powered Working Farm

A new scientific field proposes an idea that could help generate food and energy while reducing a building's cooling costs.

How to Not Melt Down Over Our Warming Planet

WIRED spoke with Maria Ojala, a psychologist studying climate anxiety, about how you can stay focused and active in the face of dread.

This Is What It Will Take to End Deforestation by 2030

Nations around the world made a vital climate crisis declaration to save forests within the next decade. Can they actually do it?

Think Climate Change Is Messy? Wait Until Geoengineering

Someone's bound to hack the atmosphere to cool the planet. So we urgently need more research on the consequences, says climate scientist Kate Ricke.

Curb Your Food Tech Enthusiasm

Innovation might help us create a low-carbon food system, but that's not the same thing as a sustainable or ethical one.

Hints of New Life in the Shadows of Venezuela's Last Glacier

When ice goes, lichens and mosses move in and an entirely new ecosystem starts to take shape.

How Early Warning Systems Help Us Deal With Extreme Weather

As climate-related disasters increase, projects are being put in place to alert local communities to impending danger.