The Artificial Intelligence Database

Optimizing Machines Is Perilous. Consider ‘Creatively Adequate’ AI.
The future of artificial intelligence needs less data and can tolerate ambiguity.
By Angus Fletcher
When It Comes to Health Care, AI Has a Long Way to Go
Medical information is more complex and less available than the web data that many algorithms were trained on, so results can be misleading.
By Tom Simonite
Space Atlas
Astrophysicists Release the Biggest Map of the Universe Yet
A powerful astronomy instrument called DESI charts millions of galaxies in the night sky. Can it help scientists finally figure out what dark energy is?
By Ramin Skibba
When Mind Melds With Machine, Who’s in Control?
Brain-computer interfaces are getting better all the time—and they’re about to land us in a philosophical quagmire.
By Kelly Clancy
This AI Software Nearly Predicted Omicron’s Tricky Structure
New algorithms that decipher complex sequences of amino acids offered an early view of the coronavirus variant. They could point the way to future drugs.
By Tom Simonite
Year in Review
A Move for 'Algorithmic Reparation' Calls for Racial Justice in AI
Researchers are encouraging those who work in AI to explicitly consider racism, gender, and other structural inequalities.
By Khari Johnson
Freeze Frame
To See Proteins Change in Quadrillionths of a Second, Use AI
Researchers have long wanted to capture how protein structures contort in response to light. But getting a clear image was impossible—until now.
By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan
Ex-Googler Timnit Gebru Starts Her Own AI Research Center
The researcher, who says Google fired her a year ago, wants to ask questions about responsible use of artificial intelligence.
By Tom Simonite
An AI Finds Superbug-Killing Potential in Human Proteins
A team scoured the human proteome for antimicrobial molecules and found thousands, plus a surprise about how animals evolved to fight infections.
By Max G. Levy
Real Talk
The Long Search for a Computer That Speaks Your Mind
The trick is to use data from the brain to synthesize speech in real time so users can practice and the machine can learn. New brain computer interface systems are getting there.
By Adam Rogers
Hard Drive
Neuron Bursts Can Mimic a Famous AI Learning Strategy
A new model of learning centers on blasts of neural activity that act as teaching signals—approximating an algorithm called backpropagation.
By Allison Whitten
This Program Can Give AI a Sense of Ethics—Sometimes
Researchers trained an algorithm to answer questions about human values. Some of the responses are troubling.
By Will Knight
Non-Trivial Pursuit
This AI Resurrects Ancient Board Games—and Lets You Play Them
What tabletop games did our ancestors play in 1000 BC? A new research project wants to find out, and make them playable online too.
By Samantha HuiQi Yow
These Virtual Obstacle Courses Help Real Robots Learn to Walk
Researchers used specialized chips and simulation software to teach a four-legged robot to navigate stairs and blocks.
By Will Knight
Humans Can't Be the Sole Keepers of Scientific Knowledge
Communicating scientific results in outdated formats is holding progress back. One alternative: Translate science for machines.
By Iulia Georgescu
A Stanford Proposal Over AI's 'Foundations' Ignites Debate
A research paper that dubs some artificial intelligence models "foundations" is sparking a dispute over the future of the field.
By Will Knight
How Computationally Complex Is a Single Neuron?
Scientists taught an artificial neural network to imitate a biological neuron. The result offers a new way to think about the complexity of brain cells.
By Allison Whitten
chip shot
The $150 Million Machine Keeping Moore’s Law Alive
ASML’s next-generation extreme ultraviolet lithography machines achieve previously unattainable levels of precision, which means chips can keep shrinking for years to come.
By Will Knight
A New Chip Cluster Will Make Massive AI Models Possible
Cerebras says its technology can run a neural network with 120 trillion connections—a hundred times what's achievable today.
By Will Knight
Without Code for DeepMind’s Protein AI, This Lab Wrote Its Own
The Google subsidiary solved a fundamental problem in biology but didn’t promptly share its solution. So a University of Washington team tried to re-create it.
By Grace Huckins