Why Some Animals Can Tell More From Less
Researchers find that densely packed neurons play an outsize role in quantitative skill—calling into question old assumptions about evolution.
By Max G. Levy
The Politics of Counting Things Is About to Explode
With contested vote tallies, concerns over Census data, and now the Covid-19 death toll, 2020 marks the ugly climax of a long dispute.
By Charles Seife
GeekDad Puzzle of the Week Solution: Finger Primes
Just who was able to correctly count the primes representable on eight hands, with each hand being its own numeric digit?
By Judd Schorr
GeekDad Puzzle of the Week: Finger Primes
Counting only on fingers, the four of us at dinner can count from 00,000,000 to 55,555,555 using only single digits from 0-5. In this counting scheme, how many prime numbers do we encounter?
By Judd Schorr
GeekDad Puzzle of the Week Solution: Classic 12-Day Countdown
This week’s puzzle was either much harder than originally scoped or ill-defined; there were very few responses, and even fewer that were correct. Many thanks to everyone that hazarded a guess, from the close and reasonable (from which this week’s winner was randomly selected) to the exceedingly large (there were a few 50+ digit numbers submitted!)
By Judd Schorr
GeekDad Puzzle of the Week: Classic 12-Day Countdown
For your chance at this week's $50 ThinkGeek Gift Certificate, simply tally up the total of gifts "given/sung" by Max's class as they sing the classic "Twelve Days of Christmas." A gift is "given/sung" the number of times it appears multiplied by each singer singing at that point in time. For example, in the first phrase of the song when only Max's class is singing, a total of 12 members of Perdix perdix (in their respective Pyrus communis) are given/sung.
By WIRED Staff
Hanging in Numberland With Les Trois Elles
We’re getting ready to head to Seattle in a week or so. It’s only a couple of hours on the plane, but I always like to have a few tricks up my sleeve to keep Vivienne entertained. So I’m in the market for some new apps to play with. Whenever I do a little refresh […]
By GeekMom Blog