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audio books

Audible Wants You to Spread Its New Audio Clips Like Memes

The Amazon-owned purveyor of audiobooks now lets you clip up to 45 seconds of whatever you're listening to, and share it with your friends or the world.

The Weird, Obsessive World of Free DIY Audiobooks

A journey into the strange community of actors and enthusiasts who record full audio books for free at LibriVox.

An Audiobook GoldMine

Have a spare twenty minutes and need something cool to fill your time with? Check out these interesting renditions of popular and obscure stories/poems.

Goliath -- The End of a Great Series

—- I’ve already mentioned how addicted I’ve become to listening to audiobooks in the car. One book that really grabbed me was Leviathan, the first book in an alternate reality YA trilogy by Scott Westerfeld. Narrated by the terrific Alan Cumming, I became swept up in this story of an alternate World War I Europe, […]

This week with the GeekMoms

Chaos Mandy is trying to recover from the fun that was Dragon*Con and get back into the swing of things. This weekend she will be cleaning house with her husband and maybe some help (or hindrance) from her toddler. Laura finds her day improved every time she sees her husband writing his lists on an old […]

Books to Listen to in the Car

We just got back from two weeks of what felt like non-stop driving — a three-day trip to Canada, and another long weekend to see the inlaws in New Jersey, with a few longish errands in between. Now, we’re pretty much homebodies, so any car trip over two hours rates a trip to the library […]

Read Aloud American Gods to All American Audience

[youtube][/youtube] I know many of you read aloud books to your children. And many of you like Neil Gaiman. You won’t believe it but BookPerk announces you can now enter for a chance to win a speaking role in Neil Gaiman’s upcoming audio recording of American Gods. And there is more! The winner will be flown […]

Don't Miss an Inspiring, Action-Packed Middle-Grade Mystery

Here’s a sign that a book has captured your geekling’s attention: When we reached our vacation destination after almost two hours in the car, my son begged to listen to just one more track of the audiobook version of “The London Eye Mystery.” Siobhan Dowd’s ripping, often funny read is inspiring for another reason, as […]

Free Audio Storybooks: Get an Educational Tales2Go Subscription by January 15!

Tales2Go, an audiobook and audio stories company, is offering free subscriptions for the spring term for schools and educational programs, including homeschoolers. (Homeschoolers: Just enter “homeschool” under school name.) They offer a wide variety of stories, of all lengths, to entertain you and your children on road trips, in the classroom, or for daily storytime. […]

Playaways - A New Way to Get Kids Excited About Books!

I’m constantly surprised by the number of people who come into our library and have no idea what I’m talking about when I say, “Have you tried our Playaways?” If that question confuses you too, let me share with you one of the fun new ways to listen to an audio book. I am pretty […]

Why You Should Give Harry Potter A Listen on Audiobook

As many of us are donning our school robes, hats, and scarves in our favorite house colors and lining up at the theater in anticipation of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, I have to wonder: how many viewers have read or listened to the books? That’s right. I said “listened to the […]

iMindsJNR Help Keep Your Kid's Mind Fresh

A few weeks ago, I wrote about iMinds, 8-minute topical audio books designed to fill the mundane moments in our lives with learning instead of boredom. Launched yesterday, iMinds has a new product designed for kids, called iMindsJNR. While the concept is roughly the same with the ‘Junior’ line of iMinds products, the execution is […]

iMinds: 8 Minutes to Increased Knowledge

What do you do with all of the little moments in life that are between all of the big stuff we do every day? A walk from the office to your car or 20 minutes on a treadmill don’t exactly require our full attention. Instead of zoning out, you can now take those mundane moments […]